Teresa Hernández Sagués
Born in Burgohondo (Ávila) in 1900, her family soon moved to Barcelona. Teresa Hernández was the wife of Roldán Cortada, the secretary of Generalitat Councillor Rafael Vidiella, who was assassinated by an anarcho-syndicalist patrol in April 1937. After the war, she participated in the first reorganisation of the PSUC.
Arrested on 5 February 1940, she entered Les Corts prison along with her sister Antònia, Maria Domènech, Isabel Vicente, and Maria González. Initially sentenced to death, her sentence was eventually commuted to thirty years in prison.
She remained in Les Corts continuously until 1955, the year the prison closed. She was then transferred to the women’s department temporarily set up in the men’s prison of La Model. Banished from Barcelona, she settled in the Segovian town of Pajarejos.
In total, she spent eighteen years imprisoned.